Wget tool helps in downloading files from internet in linux environmentĤ)Now type wget -O install-nethunter-termux ĥ)Now type chmod 777 install-nethunter-termux So termux can access your internal storage Termux app is available only for Android,so you need an Android phoneĢ)Open Termux and type termux-setup-storage This update should fix most of the issues) Pre-Requisties:Ģ)Termux App(as you install nethunter in termux only)ġ) Download Termux app from playstore F-Droid (BTW sorry for the late update, I didn't check the installer and I didn't even replied to the issues opened.
Update: Ignore steps 7,8,9,10 and 11 as the present version installer has OS file with normal rootfs (Incase if you still run into the rootfs error, then follow steps 7, 8 ,9 ,10 and 11 too) A guide on how to install Kali-Nethunter in your phone.